I'm not saying it's not fair or anything like that, but it frankly bites ass for whoever is getting fragged. I think it would be a frustrating addition to the game. n0thing banging through the side of Nuke into upper is impressive, sure, but I would be more impressed if he actually pushed and took the site with smart peeks, positional play, and expert gun play, instead of just using Superman's x-ray vision to frag through from the outside. It's hands down subdued compared to 1.6, but in my opinion, that's a step forward, not a step back. Do we really need more wallbangs on top of it? It's not like they aren't in the game, which is kind of the impression you get reading this thread. Your peek timings/styles, positional play, and sound diversions all allow you to get inside your opponent's head. I'm all for mind games and increasing the skill ceiling, but wallbangs aren't the only method of mind fucking your opponent. In fact it just sounds ridiculous and frustrating for anyone trying to hold an angle when that is already hard enough. There are already plenty of spots that are bangable in CSGO, and I can't imagine nearly every surface in de_nuke being spammable being fun. I have no problems with wallbang in CSGO right now, or that you actually have to face down your opponent in an aim duel rather than spamming him through two to three feet of brick. Honestly, I'm on the fence as far as increasing wallbanging is concerned, but I'm leaning more towards keeping it as-is. With peeker's advantage and heightened wallbanging at your disposal, I'm not sure it would be the best change for the metagame. Wallbanging obvious defender spots on top of peeker's e what I'm saying? I'm aware that it works for the defender just as much, but you are usually far more static as a defender. One of the aspects of wallbanging I think a lot of people are missing when they think back to 1.6 is that 1.6 didn't have peeker's advantage present in the metagame like GO does. Nothing serious, short stream Sunday vibes. ⚠️ never late ⚠️ not fat ⚠️ VERY LITTLE !M. 3,373 WeAreTheVRįiReLEAGUE Argentina 2023 - PLAYOFFS - Roa.

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