You can also add beautiful diagrams such as SWOT Analysis, Business Model Canvas, Venn Diagrams, Organization Charts, Maps and plenty of other visual elements to make your presentations really stand out. Select from our library of millions of stock images, or add your own photos from your computer or drive. With our bar charts, pie charts and icons you can make presenting data and numbers easy and fun. Create a presentation in minutes, not hours.Įditing your slides is really simple. You’ll save time because our presentation templates have been created by professional designers, so you can cut out the guesswork and the time-consuming trial and error. For example, you can create a social media report to show your results very quickly and easily. We have a wide range of designs for business, startups, education, marketing, sales and much more. Whatever the topic of your presentation, we are sure to have the template you need. Did you know that you can also upload your logo and we will automatically apply your colors to your document? Automatically. Then you are free to focus on your content.

Simply select a design from our huge selection of presentation templates, and apply one of our color and text style schemes to brand the slides to your style. Express your ideas without limits and start creating your own presentation in a contemporary design with Xara Cloud. And you don’t need to be an expert in graphic design trends. A beautiful presentation is the best way to keep your audience engaged and ensure you get your message across to the public.